Train your cat like never before with this 6 Awesome books

 Train your cat like never before with this 6 awesome books:

Train your cat like never before with this 6 Awesome books
Train your cat like never before 

To all the cats lovers, Here are 6 books about cat for you:-

1. All about cat training.

2. Caring for your cat.

3. Cat training tips.

4. For the love of cats.

5. My first pet cat.

6. Kitty Basics.

                        [Get it Here] 

The decision to adopt your first cat is a monumental one, both for you and for your new cat. Whether you are thinking about getting a cat, or have just adopted your first one, this tutorial has been designed to make your relationship with this special cat a lasting one so the cat has found its "forever home." And his caretaker who will love her forever. [Go Here for Tutorials

How much Love,Care and attention does a cat needs:

Cats are relatively low maintenance compared to dogs which need companionship, walking, training etc. However, like any pet, they do need care, love and attention some cats need more care than others. Do you want to spend a lot of time with your cat, do you want it to be demanding, or do you have limited time? Cats can fit into busy, modern lifestyles more easily than dogs, as they are pretty independent, can be left alone much more easily and are more suitable for smaller flats or houses. Cats are often chosen by people who have busy and stressful lifestyles and who want some companionship when they go home to relax.

What do you want from your relationship with a cat? If you’re the kind of person who really needs to have a close relationship with your cat and to be able to handle it and have it interact with you, then you’ll be disappointed if you take on a nervous cat that hides every time you come into the room. You may want to think about one of the pedigree breeds which can be more interactive and perhaps more needy of human company than some moggies. This may however become a problem for the cat if you are out at work all day and only available to give attention on evenings or weekends.

Some cats need to know exactly what’s going to happen when, in order to feel relaxed. Such cats would be quite happy living with an old lady who rarely has visitors and leads a very quiet life, but would probably find it quite stressful living in a home full of kids and other animals with lots of visitors and activity. Other cats, however, might thrive on different interactions with lots of people and fit in perfectly well in a busy household.

If you’re not likely to have the time or inclination to groom a cat on a daily basis, don’t even think of getting a Persian or a cat with a long coat. In pedigree jargon, any cat with a longer coat, aside from a Persian, is called semi-longhaired because the coat is not as full as the Persian’s and does not have such a thick undercoat; however, it is still long and requires grooming. In addition, if you are extremely house-proud, you may not want lots of hair everywhere.

A shorthaired cat is a much easier option, as most cats are fanatical about their coats and keep them in immaculate condition. That’s not to say that they don’t leave hairs around – bear this in mind if you’re thinking of getting a white cat but have dark furniture, or vice versa. Likewise, a cat is quite likely to sharpen its claws indoors, often on the stair carpet, sometimes on the furniture or even on the wallpaper. Whether your cat does this can depend on the cat itself and also the environment you provide for it; however there are things you can do to try and deal with this, but it is best to acknowledge from the outset that your cat is an animal with free will and natural behaviour that may not suit someone who needs to have an immaculate house.

Train your cat like never before with this 6 Awesome books
6 Awesome books for Cats 

6 Awesome books for Cats training:

In this ultimate cats training books you will get everything about how you should care and train a pet to make it your most lovable best friends.

This training books provide everything about Cats training from beginning tell the end. It also provides how you should love and care your pet cats.

Most importantly there are various kinds of awesome tips which I'm sure you are not aware of it will get a perfect tips to training your cat to make it a perfect cat.

Also you will learn how you will love and care them , know them and feel their love and effection towards you and how you can give back your love and care to your pets, its all mention in this amazing books.

This book also provides a guidence of how you can own your first pet cats. This book is perfect for the first pet owner to know and understand how you can own a first pet cat.

Almost all the basics of owning a pet cats in mention in details in this 6 awesome books, after reading this books you will become the master of the pet cats and also makes your pet cats a perfect and lovely pets.

Here is the Books 

How you should care your Cat:

Even though, cats are more independent than many other pets, owning one is still a major commitment. They need a devoted owner to keep them as happy and healthy as possible. Cats need:

 fresh litter box:
Most house cats are indoor cats, which means you will need a litter box. A litter box is convenient, but needs to be cleaned every day to avoid unpleasant odors. Pet stores offer litter formulas that make it easy to scoop out waste and control the smell.

Consistent grooming:
Although a cat might not need the same amount of grooming as a dog, it still takes work to prevent your house from turning into one big hairball. A weekly cleaning is usually enough, and you can find easy-to-use cat grooming tools at most pet stores.

scratch pole:
Many cats have a tendency to scratch and paw at drapes, furniture, and just about anything else that takes their fancy. Investing in a scratch pole or post will not only provide your cat with the scratching outlet they need, but also save you lots of money and frustration.

well-balanced diet:
Work with your vet to ensure your feline is getting a nutritional diet. Avoid overfeeding that can lead to obesity and other serious health issues. Also, be sure to keep their food and water bowls far away from their litter box to prevent any risk of contamination.

safe environment:

Cats are small, delicate animals that do well living mostly indoors. Although many cats love to roam free outside, other predatory animals and traffic, for example, can threaten their safety. Always monitor your cat’s whereabouts and keep an ID tag on its collar. Having your pet microchipped will allow shelters and veterinarians to easily identify you as the owner should your cat get lost.

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